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Bangalore, Karnataka
** Return available only for defective products


Graminway Berry & Millets Granola is a favourite among kids, and makes for a healthy and delicious breakfast. It is a tasty infusion of tangy berries with Rolled Oats, which makes it unique and is just perfect to start your day. The fruitilicious and nutty punch of tangy berries, sweet raisins, creamy cashews, and healthy almonds makes this an all-inclusive nourishing treat. This jar of granola is a storehouse of good health & great taste.

It is rich in nutrients, vitamins, dietary fibres, and minerals, including zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. It is best served with milk, Greek yoghurt, or with honey.


Rolled Oats, Instant Oats ,Salt ,Cinnamon Powder,Black Pepper powder,Almond,Cashew,Chocolate and Coffee,Dried Strawberry, Dried Cranberry, Dried Gojiberry and Honey

Nutri Info

Nutritional Analysis (as per 100 gm)

Calories(Kcal) – 394.75, Protein(g) – 10.45, Carbohydrates(g) – 56.56, Sugar(g) – 17.37, Fiber(g) – 8.30, Fat (g) – 14.08.